1 Study Room (floor 1)

The Study Program Room is an office for lecturers and the administrative part of the UNS history education study program. In the study room there is a lecturer's desk, administrative section of the study program, and the guest table. Here lecturers of history education carry out their duties as lecturers based on the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. Ordinary students come to the study program room to meet lecturers and take care of lecture administration.

Lobby Room and Front Waiting Room of Study Program

The lobby room and waiting outside the study program is a place for students of the History Education Study Program to wait their turn to enter the History Education Study Program Room. Located on the floor 1 Building C of the Faculty of Education and Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret, lobby rooms and waiting rooms outside the study program are used for academicians or students when waiting for lecturers or waiting for the turn of lecture administration. The lobby room and waiting room outside the study program have long chairs and WiFi services that reach each device to add comfort to the academic community.

2 Main Lecture Hall (floor 3)

  • Visiting Professor by Prof.. Dr.. David Reeve, University of New South Wales, Australia (2016)
  • Prof. Dr.. Peter Carey of Oxford University, English. This activity was carried out in 2014. 2016 Building C Floor 3 FKIP UNS. The material presented is about the "Java War and Javanese Female Soldiers"

Historical education study program uses 3 classrooms in lecture activities. The classrooms of the history education study program are located on the floor 3 Building C of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education UNS. The classroom of the history education study program consists of a Space 301, Room 302, and Space 303. In each classroom there are folding lecture chairs, lecturer's desk, LCD Projector, fan, and air conditioning to support comfort during lecture activities. On the walls of the classroom there are also various posters..

1 Shared Lecture Hall (floor 3)

2 Microteaching Space (floor 3)

Located next to the Laboratory and Library of the History Education Study Program, floor 3 Building C, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Eleven March University, This room has an area of 7×7 m2 . Enabled to support teaching practices for students. In this room there are sufficient facilities such as the availability of chairs., table, projectors and air conditioners. This Microteaching room also has soundproofing features so that, The sound produced in the room cannot be heard outside..

Out-of-Class Seating

Outdoor seating is a facility provided for students waiting for lecture hours. This place is used by students to sit., discussion of lectures, or just a casual chat. Moreover, Outdoor seating is also often used to peddle food from student danus. Seating is available in front of the stairs, front of the room 301, and the front of the room 303.

1 Laboratory (Study Program Library/Reading Room) (floor 3)

Laboratory & The Library of Historical Education Study Program is located in Building C of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sebelas Maret University surakarta precisely on the floor 3. Library service hours of the History study program under normal conditions, starting from Monday to Friday. While during the pandemic such as the current library service hours were changed to twice a week, namely on Mondays and Tuesdays.. Laboratory operating hours & Library History education study program starting from the hour 09.00 – 12.00 PM GMT. Laboratory & The library of historical education study programs has a variety of collections, namely books., Thesis, infographic, and several temples and statues. Library administrators are selected from among History education students.

1 HMP Secretariat (floor 3)

In addition there is a lecture support room, The History Education Study Program also has student organizations, namely, student association "Ganesha". The secretariat office of this student association is located on the floor 3, Building C, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Eleven March University. The location is next to the Floor Mosque 3 and behind the Classroom 301. Open every Monday s.d.. Friday at 08.00-16.00 PM GMT. This place is a means for administrators to gather and discuss related activities or work programs of the student association..

Mading Students

Mading students are a place to pour creativity of students of Sebelas Maret University History Education. Mading students themselves contain poetry, comic, and documentation of student activities. Mading student is located in front of the floor stairs 3 on the south wall. Mading students themselves are managed by the Student Association of Historical Education Study Program of Sebelas Maret University.

1 Thesis Exam Room (floor 2)

1 Mosque (floor 2)

Mushola is a place reserved for Muslim students to pray.. Prayers are located on every floor of building C of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education UNS. In Mushola provided a sarong, mukena, prayer mats to support the comfort of Muslim students in worship.

Bathroom (Floor 1, 2, 3)

Bathrooms are located on each floor of Building C of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education UNS. Bathrooms on each floor are useful to support student comfort. On each floor there are at least two bathrooms for men and women..

Student Shelter

Shelter is a place provided for student gatherings and lounges for the academic community of Sebelas Maret University. The location of the shelter is to the west of Gelora Pendidikan campus of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sebelas Maret University. In the shelter area there is a place large enough to gather with a roof., table, chair, WiFi service, and outlets. Students gather in shelters to rest and do college assignments both individuals and groups, Discuss, surfing the internet, or relax with fellow students.

Parking Lot

The parking area of the Historical Education Study Program is located just north of Building C, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Eleven March University. 20 parking area×5 m2 can load at least 60-80 two-wheeled vehicle/day. There is a canopy that protects the vehicle from the scorching sun and rain. In addition to being comfortable, the parking area is considered quite safe because there is active CCTV 24 hours and availability of parking attendants.

Wifi UNS

The History Education Study Program provides convenience for the academic community to be able to access the internet using software that has WiFi features (Wireless Fidelity) so that it can access the internet without cable media. The distribution can reach all scopes of the Historical Education Study Program. With speeds that reach 100 Mbps makes the academic community freely able to send e-mail, Browsing, or download lecture references, article, book, and so on.