Plagiarism Check of History Education Program:
Thesis and journal article are prepared in Ms. Words format.
Thesis consists of Chapter 1 to Chapter 5 and then merged into Ms.Word file.
Journal article is prepared in accordance with Candi Journal Templates (including reference lists).
Thesis and journal article are sent to email:
The result of the Plagiarism Check will be reported through email. The plagiarism check process takes 1 to 3 days.
Students then report the results of the Plagiarism Check to the Supervisor. The maximum limit for Plagiarism Check is 30%.
Check plagiarism of historical education study program:
Students prepare thesis files and journal articles in Ms format. Word.
The thesis manuscript consists of chapters 1 up to Chapter 5 put together in one word file.
Journal article manuscript according to the predetermined template (complete including reference list).
Thesis manuscripts and journal articles are sent to email:
Turnitin results are delivered by email. Plagiarism check process 1 up to 3 day.
Turnitin results are then submitted to the thesis supervisor by students. The maximum limit of turnitin results is 30 %.