Study Program Laboratory

Profil Laboraturium Prodi

Lab & Uns History FKIP Library is one of the study program facilities driven by students who enter the management of the library. Lab & This library is located in Building C FKIP Floor 2. The management of the UNS History FKIP Library service consists of a builder or companion, head, secretary, treasurer, cataloging field, as well as the field of research and development. Library administrators are selected through open enrollment made during admission of new students. The management system of the UNS Historical FKIP Library is, in the first year the selected students will experience an internship period and in the second year will be entrusted to be the core administrator of the history education library..

Lab & FKIP UNS Library consists of three rooms, that is (1) Reading room; (2) multimedia room; and (3) Thesis Collection Room.

Service Hours

Lab Services & FKIP History UNS Library can be accessed on Monday-Friday with operating hours starting from 09.00-15.00 WIB.

Study Program Laboratory Services

Laboraturium Prodi

Katalog 1
Laboraturium Prodi

Katalog 2
Laboraturium Prodi

Laboraturium Prodi

Social Media Study Program Laboratory

Lab & Perpus Study Program Pend. History of UNS

Fasilitas Laboraturium Prodi

The reading room is a room located in the main room. Here there is a collection of books from the History Education Study Program Library that can be borrowed and also read directly in the Library, because this reading room is also equipped with tables and chairs to support student comfort when reading in the Lab and Library of the History Education Study Program, As for book borrowing, they must have a library card and borrowing time for one week.

The multimedia room is a room used to support student activities such as facilities for thesis hearings for historical education study program students and student talent development such as making Podcasts.

Thesis collection room is a room that contains a collection of theses and rare books, so that it is not publicly accessible to maintain the condition of the book, The thesis stored in this room is a thesis belonging to alumni of history education students from year to year which is collected for archive.

Aset Laboraturium Prodi

One of the main collections of uns history FKIP library is books. Book collections in the library continue to increase and update through book checking activities that are routinely carried out.. Book collections in uns history FKIP library are diverse, starting from the book of socio-cultural fields, politics, History of Indonesia and history of the world. In addition, there are also several archives and research journals that can be used as a source of learning for students of the UNS Historical Education study program as members of the library..

UNS History FKIP Library has several miniature collections, like a statue, temple, statue, and other cultural tools. The miniature collection is used as a learning medium for FKIP students of UNS history. Moreover, UNS history FKIP library collection is also included in workshop activities and library exhibitions.

Laboratory & History Education study program library is equipped with various learning media in the form of maps and historical infographics. The collection of maps and infographics is the result of the work of students of the history education study program as well as library administrators. The collection of maps from several cities in Indonesia is one of the results of students' creativity in applying their learning results, especially in urban history courses.. In addition, this collection is also one of the containers of creativity of administrators and learning media for pepus visitors in studying history..

Laboratory & The History Education Study Program Library also has a collection of thesis obtained from alumni of the History Education Study Program students.. The thesis collection includes special collections that also cannot be loaned to the public.

Documentation of Study Program Laboratory Activities


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