Graduate Learning Achievements

  • Able to organize history study materials systematically and comprehensively in local, national, and global contexts for history learning in school.

  • Able to design, implement, and evaluate value-oriented history learning in schools in a contextual, communicative, collaborative, inclusive, innovative, and technology-based manner.

  • Able to develop historical consciousness, historical thinking, and historical culture in history learning at school.

  • Able to develop research in the field of history education and history in research institutions with a critical and analytical approach.

  • Able to think critically, systematically, logically and rationally based on the research ethics commitment in research institutions.

  • Able to disseminate research findings, in both academic and popular formats, at national and international levels.

  • Able to compile history textbooks and history reference books systematically, communicatively, and innovatively for history learning in class using critical and analytical approaches.

  • Able to present structured, systematic, communicative, informative and educative historical writing while adhering to writing ethics.

  • Able to manage creative enterprises in the form of goods and services in the sector of historical tourism and historical education.

  • Able to implement leadership, creativity, and ethics in an entrepreneurial history-oriented education.