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Dr.. Musa Pelu, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Dr.. Musa Pelu, S.Pd., M.Pd.Head of Study Program
Welcome to the Undergraduate Study Program in History Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sebelas Maret University of Surakarta.
"Developing historical education based on historical didactic concepts and approaches based on the noble values of national culture".
  1. Produce historical education scholars who are able to develop history curriculum in secondary schools, Historical material, planning, implementation, and evaluation of innovative historical learning by utilizing science and technology and based on the noble values of the nation's culture.
  2. Produce researchers in the field of history and history education who are able to apply historical and historical education research methodologies; produce fundamental findings as a solution to historical and historical education problems, and able to disseminate and communicate the results of their research in scientific and popular forums.
  3. Producing non-fiction writers who are able to develop teaching materials and produce scientific works and books in the field of history and history education.
  4. Producing entrepreneurs in the field of history and history education.

Academic File

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Study Program Curriculum

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Thesis Exam Form

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